Digital Design

A seasoned digital designer with over 20 years of experience transforming ideas into impactful visual stories. From crafting vibrant digital campaigns to producing engaging motion graphics and user-centric designs, I specialize in creating experiences that captivate and inspire.

Explore my work to see how creativity meets strategy in projects that drive results and elevate brands.

Animated Gifs:

image of animated scann appeal logoanimated advert for the Guardian websiteanimated email footeranimated email footeranimated online advertanimated online advert

Static Designs:

image of email footer announcing volunteering awardsimage of online advert for English Heritageimage of email footerimage of fully designed email for Christmasimage of CSSC Games inviteimage of Historical Places advertimage of email footer inviting members to get membersimage of email footer inviting members to get new membersimage of online advert encouraging members to get new membersimage announcing upcoming merit awardsimage of online advert announcing upcoming merit awardsimage of advert on Merlin dealsimage of advet talking about My Active schemeimage of advert for online shopimage of advert for online Christmas shopimage of email footer on Christmas online shopimage of email footerimage of email footerimage of online advertimage of advert on Seasons Greetingsimage on energy savings dealsimage of advert on Taste cardimage celebrating Volunteer Week